Our Mission
The Rehoboth Land Trust works to protect, conserve and promote the land and natural resources significant to the quality of the environment, wildlife and rural character in and around the town of Rehoboth.
Our Vision
We celebrate the landscape, the wildlife, the history, and the rural culture of the town of Rehoboth and its surroundings. Through land conservation, stewardship and public education, we work to ensure that the landscapes, habitats and species unique to our area will endure for the benefit of generations to come.
Our Values
Stewarding the land.
We support balancing the needs of landowners with the responsibility for permanent natural resource conservation.
Community education and involvement.
We seek to educate and engage the community to build a sense of common purpose in support of land conservation and natural resource stewardship in our area.
Landowner support.
We consider and respect the goals of each landowner with whom we work as we tailor land conservation strategies.
Regional sustainability.
We support a viable, local agricultural and forestry economy and encourage active land management where appropriate. We recognize the need for balanced community growth.
Organizational excellence and integrity.
We value the public trust and take pride in accomplishing our work in a professional, thorough manner.
Conservation leadership.
We demonstrate leadership through partnerships, collaborations, and sustainable management of our conserved lands.