February Winter Natural History Hike...snowshoes, anyone??
The Rehoboth Land Trust 2018 Winter Hike — let’s hope for some snow this year!
Join us for our Winter Hike on Saturday, February 9th at 10 a.m. at the Town Forest Trail right-of-way (139 Fairview Avenue, Rehoboth…right next to the Beagle Club). Led by Otter Brown, the focus of the hike will be wildlife track interpretation and winter ecology. We’re hoping for some snow to actually see some tracks! If the snow is deep, snowshoes may be in order. Bring your own if you have them — we will have a limited number of pairs for people to borrow.
If there is no snow on the ground on the 9th, the hike will be postponed to the next Saturday, February 16th at 10 a.m., regardless if there is snow or not.
The parking area at the trail head is limited. If it’s full, please park on Fair Lane and be careful crossing Fairview Avenue — it can be very busy.
Please RSVP to otterob@yahoo.com with your name, how many are coming, and where you heard about the hike: Rehoboth Reporter (RR), Rehoboth Land Trust website or newsletter (RLT) or word of mouth (WOM).
If you have any questions, please call or text Otter Brown at 508-252-6288.